
Mills, G. and de Lende, V. (submitted) Manipulated conversations: How Twitter and Facebook promote polarized politics Please email for a copy

Mills, G., Gregoromichelaki, E., Howes, C., Maraev, V. (2022) Influencing laughter with AI-mediated communication Interaction Studies PsyArXiv

Mills, G., Boschker, B. (2022) Using virtual reality to investigate the emergence of gaze conventions in interpersonal coordination 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Gothenburg, Sweden PsyArXiv

Mills, G. and Redeker, G. (submitted) Self-repair increases abstraction of referring expressions PsyArxiv

Maraev, V., Mazzocconi, C., Mills, G. ,Howes, G. (2020) “LOL what?”: Empirical study of laughter in chat based dialogues. Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop 2020, Bielefeld.

Gregoromichelaki, E., Mills, G. J., Howes, C., Eshghi, A., Chatzikyriakidis, S., Purver, M., ... & Healey, P. G. (2020). Completability vs (In) completeness Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 52(2), 260-284.

Wieling, M., Tiede, M., Rebernik, T., de Jong, L., Braggaar, A., Bartelds, M., & Mills, G. (2020). A novel paradigm to investigate phonetic convergence in interaction.In Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production>

Nölle, J., Fusaroli, R., Mills, G., & Tylén, K. (2020). Language as shaped by the environment: linguistic construal in a collaborative spatial task Palgrave Communications>, 6(1), 1-10.

Atkinson, M., Mills, G. J., & Smith, K. (2018). Social group effects on the emergence of communicative conventions and language complexity Journal of Language Evolution 4, no. 1 (2019): 1-18.

Healey, P. G., De Ruiter, J. P., & Mills, G. J. (2018). Editors' Introduction: Miscommunication Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(2), 264-278.

Healey, P. G., Mills, G. J., Eshghi, A., & Howes, C. (2018). Running repairs: Coordinating meaning in dialogue Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(2), 367-388.

Mills, G. J. (2017). Speaking in Time, about Time In Creativity and Continuity - Perspectives on the Dynamics of Language Conventionalization eds. Duncker, D. and Perregaard, B., Narayana Press, Denmark

Yu, Y., Eshghi, A., Mills, G., & Lemon, O. J. (2017). The burchak corpus: a challenge data set for interactive learning of visually grounded word meanings. In Belz, Anya, Erkut Erdem, Katerina Pastra, and Krystian Mikolajczyk. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Vision and Language. 2017.

Mills, G. J. (2014) Dialogue in joint activity: complementarity, convergence, conventionalization New Ideas in Psychology.32, 158-173.

Mills, G. J. (2011) The emergence of procedural conventions in dialogue In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston. USA

Howes, C. Purver, M., Healey, P. G.T., Mills, G. (2011) On Incrementality in Dialogue: Evidence from Compound Contributions Dialogue and Discourse. Vol 2, No 1. Special Issue on Incremental Processing in Dialogue.

Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R., Purver, M., Mills, G., Cann, R. (2011) Incrementality and intention-recognition in utterance processing Vol 2, No 1. Special Issue on Incremental Processing in Dialogue.

Mills, G. J. and Gregoromichelaki, E. (2010) Establishing coherence in dialogue: sequentiality, intentions and negotiation. In Proceedings of SemDial (PozDial). Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland 16-18th June.

Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki E., Mills, G. Purver, M., Howes, C., Healey, P. (2010) On Dialogue Modelling, Language Processing Dynamics, and Linguistic Knowledge Linguistic Evidence 2010, Tübingen, Feb 2010.

Howes, C. , Healey, P. G. T., Mills, G. J. (2009) A: an experimental investigation into B:...split utterances In Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2009: the 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group in Discourse and Dialogue, Queen Mary University of London, Sept. 2009.

Kempson R, Gregoromichelaki E, Purver M, Mills G, Gargett A, Howes C (2009) How mechanistic can accounts of interaction be? In: Proceedings of Diaholmia, the 13th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue

Mills, G. J. and Healey, P.G.T. (2008) Semantic negotiation in dialogue: mechanisms of alignment. in Proceedings of the 8th SIGdial workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Columbus, OH, US; June 2008.

Mills, G.J. and Healey, P. G. T. (2006) Clarifying Spatial Descriptions: Local and Global Effects on Semantic Co-ordination , In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Potsdam. Germany.

Healey, P.G.T. and Mills, G.J. (2006) Participation, Precedence and Co-ordination in Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Science Society. Vancouver. Canada.

Healey, P.G.T., Purver, M., King, J., Ginzburg, J. and Mills, G. J. (2003) Experimenting with Clarification in Dialogue. in Alterman, R. and Kirsh, D. (eds) Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, N. J.: LEA pp. 539-544.

Purver, M., Healey, P. G. T., King, J. Ginzburg, J. and Mills, G. (2003) Answering Clarification Questions. In Proceedings of the 4th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, pp 23-33, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sapporo, Japan, July 2003.