
My research involves developing tools for carrying out experiments on mediated interaction:

Dialogue Experimental Toolkit

I am responsible for the Dialogue Experimental Toolkit (DiET)

Virtual Reality

The emergence of gaze conventions

This is an ongoing research project looking at how people develop new conventions for turn-taking while interacting with each other. See Mills and Boschker, 2021 and this video


This is a version of the game “ish” (often also called “shadowboxing”) which is played by two players. The task is similar in spirit to rock-paper-scissors. In this game, on each round, the “pointer” has to choose where to point (up, down, left or right) while simultaneously the other participant (the “looker”) has to choose where to look (also, up, down, left or right). If both participants point/look in the same direction, the pointer wins, otherwise the looker wins. This is a fun task for the participants, but is also interesting for studying interpersonal coordination - in order to win the looker has to break coordination with the pointer. This is currently being developed as part of a student project.

Video of game played in real-life

Video of game played in VR

Source code

URL for VR headset (uses headset`s browser)

Manipulating avatar`s height

This is an ongoing student project looking at the effect of (apparent) avatar height on communication and coordination webpage for vr headset

Manipulating avatar`s head movements

This setup involves pairs of participants who play a referential task. The setup can be configured to amplify or attenuate avatars` head nods and head shakes. source code